Tuesday, July 28
Welcome to the NLTAPA/NTTD Community & Announcements
Moderators: Keith Knapp (IA LTAP) and Donna Shea (CT LTAP)
Keynote – Building the Community of Our Dreams (pre-recorded)
Carlos Braceras, PE Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation and Chair, TRB Executive Committee
Moderator: Keith Knapp (IA LTAP)
Stretch Break & Micro-Learning Introduction to Working with Other Generations
Submitted by Mike Fitch (OH LTAP) and High Friction Surface Treatment Submitted by Veronica Ramirez (AL LTAP)
State Sharing – Innovative Approaches, Tools, and Resource
UAS Training Curriculum Update – Victoria Beale (OH LTAP)
Session 1 – You Can’t Escape the Posters
Collaborators: Olivia Phelps (LA LTAP), Marilee LaFond (UNH T2), and Megan Patent-Nygren (NE LTAP)
Introduction to Developing Emotional Intelligence Competencies
Submitted by Mike Fitch (OH LTAP)
Hot Topics
Moderator: Matt Enders (WA LTAP)
Session 2 – Asset Management Implementation for Local Road Agencies
Tim Colling (MI LTAP), Patrick Conner (IN LTAP), and Airton Kohls (TN CTR)
Moderator: Matt Cate (TN LTAP)
Wednesday, July 29
They Serve: The Essence of Authentic Leadership
Jonathan Fanning, Internationally Acclaimed Speaker and Author
Moderator: Keith Knapp (IA LTAP)
Stretch Break and Micro-Learning
Horizontal Alignment Signage Submitted by Veronica Ramirez (AL LTAP)
State Sharing – Innovative Approaches, Tools, and Resources
Virtual Field Visits – David Orr (NY LTAP)
Session 3 – Using Technology to Foster Employee Development
Kyrie Drake and Jenni Hesselbein (Arizona Department of Transportation)
Curve Signing: Proper Chevron Spacing
Submitted by Matt Ulberg (MT LTAP)
Hot Topics
Moderator: Matt Enders (WA LTAP)
Top Tips for Successful Conflict Management
Emily Wilder (KS LTA
Moderator: Mary McCarthy (CT LTAP)
BONUS Session: Emerging Technologies – Moving the Existing Workforce Ahead of the Curve
Victoria Peters and Trinette Ballard (FHWA Office of Innovative Program Delivery – Center for Local Aid Support
Thursday, July 30
DOT’S ROUTES Initiative: Helping Rural Project Sponsors Use DOT Funds
Steve Polzin and Rob Hyman (Office of the Secretary of Transportation)
Moderator: Keith Knapp (IA LTAP)
Partner Resource Update
Scott McGolpin (NACE), King Gee (AASHTO), and Bill Spearman/Scott Grayson (APWA)
Moderator: Matt Ulberg (MT LTAP)
State Sharing – Innovative Approaches, Tools, and Resources
Modifying Outreach Efforts for COVID – A Caring Act – Dale Heglund (ND LTAP)
Session 5: LPI, PHB, RCUT, RSA: The Alphabet Soup of Safety Countermeasures
Hillary Isebrands and Tori Brinkly (FHWA Resource Center Safety and Design Team)
Moderator: Laila Kral (ID LTAP)
National Build a Better Mousetrap Awards Announcement
Andrea Kirk and Hans Anker (FHWA Office of Innovative Program Delivery – Center for Local Aid Support)
Moderator: Keith Knapp (IA LTAP)
Session 6: Innovative Uses of Social Media Kathryn Donnelly (MA LTAP), and Adam Howell (NY LTAP) Social Media for Municipalities – Marilee LaFond(NH LTAP)
Moderator: Adam Howell (NY LTAP)
Invitation to 2021 Conference and Wrap Up
Victoria Beale (OH LTAP), Matt Ulberg (MT LTAP), and Keith Knapp (IA LTAP)