Purpose of Partnerships

Partnering activities allow NLTAPA to leverage resources among organizations with similar goals and objectives. NLTAPA maintains four national level, formal partnerships with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the American Public Works Association (APWA), the National Association of County Engineers (NACE) and the National Transportation Training Directors Association (NTTD). The LTAP/TTAP organization at the National or Local level cannot endorse one organization over another. The LTAP/TTAP organization provides assistance and training to local agencies and organizations and cannot promote a specific product over another. Each LTAP/TTAP Center operates as an independent center and a partnership with one Center or the National LTAP Association (NLTAPA) is not an inclusive agreement with all of the centers. Being that the Centers are independent organizations, all of the Centers are not required to endorse or support all partnership agreements, whether Local or National agreements. Entering into a partnership agreement is for the benefit of both organizations and those benefits are outlined in the partner agreement.  Partnering agreements with NLTAPA are created through a collaborative process. For additional information, please contact the NLTAPA Partnerships Workgroup or the current NLTAPA President.

National Partnering Agreements

For more information on NLTAPA Partnerships, please contact either of the Partnership Work Group Co-Chairs:  Tim Colling (tkcollin@mtu.edu) and Pat Conner (connerp@purdue.edu)

Liaisons to Partnering Organizations


Matthew Enders
Ben Colucci


Donna Shea
Kate Davison


Steve Strength
Keith Knapp


Janet Leli