How To Join a Group

Sign in to Google Groups.

Learn how to join if you don’t have a Google Account.

  1. To join a group, click Join group or Apply to join group.
  2. After you’ve joined the group, you’ll get an email letting you know. If you applied or contacted the owner, that means your application needs to be approved.
  3. Change your settings and display name
  4. You can change your display name, photo, email address, and how frequently you get email from the group.Sign in to Google Groups.
  5. Click My Groups. Choose a group. In the top right, click My settings and then Membership and email settings. Choose your settings. Click Save. Join a Google group without a Gmail address

If you don’t have a Google Account, you can still:

  • Read posts in public groups
  • Search for posts in public groups
  • Post to public groups via the web forum

But you’ll need a Google Account to:

  • Create and manage a group
  • Join a group
  • Post to private groups you’ve been added to
  • Read a restricted group’s posts

To use these features with Google Groups, you can create a Google Account without changing your email address.

Using a non-Gmail account to Access NLTAPA GoogleGroup

If you want to use a non-Gmail account to access the forums and have not done this before, here are the easy steps to create a Google account with your existing email.

  1. Go to  (NOT GMAIL)
  2. If you are currently signed in, select the round image in the top right corner and select “Sign out”
  3. Select “Sign in”
  4. Select “Use another account” or “Create account”
  5. If a Sign in box appears, select “More options” and “Create Account”
  6. Fill out the form. Below the box title “Choose your username” select “I prefer to use my current email address.”
  7. Follow the prompts, and you are done.