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Manage Self – Know Your Strengths, Vulnerabilities, and Triggers
April 28, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT
Now, more than ever, leaders are needed to help their agencies and communities tackle the changing challenges we’re facing in light of COVID-19. Luckily, leadership is a skill that can be developed through learning and practice. KS LTAP is happy to offer free webinar training on Key Leadership Principles developed by the Kansas Leadership Center. This series is recommended for all levels because we’ve learned that leadership is an activity, not a position, and anyone can lead – anytime, anywhere.
What makes the Kansas Leadership Center different? The principles and competencies covered at KLC can help anyone hone the skills needed to successfully confront problems in organizations and communities KLC is different in that it focuses on helping people from all positions, backgrounds and sectors learn the same four competencies of leadership. KLC has trained thousands of people worldwide around these four competencies, which help people better diagnose problems and situations, manage themselves, energize others around a common purpose and intervene in ways that are more skillful and successful.
About The Facilitator
Emily Wilder is an Education Program Manager at the University of Kansas Transportation Center and the National LTAP Association’s Liaison to the APWA. Emily holds a M.S. in Management and Leadership and is in the process of becoming a Teacher with the Kansas Leadership Center. She uses this experience and education to manage professional development training through Kansas LTAP, where results speak for themselves. Over the course of one year, overall class enrollment increased by 58 percent andstudent contact hours increased by 42 percent through strategic management. Emily also develops and teaches courses on leadership and conflict resolution.
Look for registration on ksltap.org soon!